All You Should Know About Bali Coin.

Therefore, it is secure. Fast. Accurate. Convenience.
The transactions can be done by anyone anywhere in the world to anyone anywhere in the world. Hassle free. Anonymously. No third parties. No intermediaries.

Bali Coin is vouchers for wholesale prices and discounts on travel activities, such as: purchasing airplane tickets, booking hotels, hiring cars, buying gifts, etc., at Bali Coin Network of Merchants.
It is also the ultimate solutions for tourists who have the following problems, when they travel abroad:
- Lost credit/debit cards
- Credit/Debit Cards got declined
- Credit/Debit Cards got hacked
- Fail to withdraw money from ATM

To become the most used Travel Discount Vouchers by travelers all over the world
It is the market of US$7.6 trillion per year.

Listed On CMC
Missions to Accomplish.
The Technology Behind BALI COIN.
Ethereum Blockchain For Secure, Anonymous and Fast Transactions.
Autonomous Process and Verification
Transparant, Auditable with Zero Intervention Transaction Records
Blockchain Connected Mobile App for Android & iOS with User Friendly Interface
How Does BALI COIN Achieve Its Vision And Missions?
We Will Achieve Our Vision and Missions by:
- Launching an Integrated Bali Coin Brand Building Campaign. This campaign will consist of Digital Marketing, Community Marketing (Golf, Yoga, Spiritual Pilgrimage, etc.), Public Relations, and Brand Activations (Events, Exhibitions, Workshops).
- Getting listed in many popular Cryptocurrency Exchangers in as many countries as possible.
- Establishing strong relationships with respectable Tourism Institutions and Associations around the world.
- Becoming an active member of the appropriate associations necessary.
- Executing, Monitoring, Analyzing and Perfecting all Marketing, IT and Product Development Plans from time to time to get maximum results.

Facts and Figures of BALI COIN Market in Indonesia Alone.
BALI COIN Has Been Featured by Several Offline and Online Media.
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Meet The BALI COIN Team

Yusnan Gisting, SE
CEO/Founder, 20 Year Experience in Hotel & Restaurant, Tourism Expert

Adam Yusfan Edwin, S.Kom
Co-Founder, 20 Year Experience in Software Development, Server Administrator, Crypto Investor

Alexander Amalo
Co-Founder, 15 Year Experience in Web Development & Crypto Trader and Enthusiast

Rizky Nur Zamzamy
Co-Founder, Digital Marketing, Advertising and Marketing Communications Expert
Business Development & Advisor

Aries Hendra Wardhana
Co-Founder, Business Development, 19 Years of Experience in Hotel Management & FB Division

Co-Founder, Financial & Administration, 10 Year Experince in Rental Industry

Ir. Budiono Hardjono, MM
Adviser, Technology Entrepreneur (Technopreneur) and Lecturer, Malaysia

Yudhistira Pratama, MBA
Adviser, Business Development, Hotel Owner, University Lecturer

A. Junaedi Abas
Adviser, Tourism Academician, University Lecturer & Promoter Jakarta

Perkasa Triputra
Business Development & Promoter For Philipine, Security Analyst & Risk Management

Debbie Kiranashanty
Customer Relations, B2B Business Development

Yuan Satyawan
Business Development, Media Relations & Communications

Join Our Team
BALI COIN White Paper
About Digital Currency (Cryptocurrency)
A Digital currency (or cryptocurrency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies.
Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009. Since then, numerous cryptocurrencies have been created. These are frequently called altcoins, as a blend of bitcoin’s alternatives. Bitcoin and its derivatives use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money/centralized banking systems. The decentralized control is related to the use of bitcoin’s blockchain transaction database in the role of a distributed ledger.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system, which is called the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central repository or single administrator. It was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as an open-source software in 2009. The system is peer-to-peer, and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain.
Bitcoins are created as a reward for mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. As of February 2015, over 100,000 merchants and vendors accepted bitcoin as payment. Bitcoin can also be used as an investment. According to research conducted by Cambridge University in 2017, there are 2.9 to 5.8 million unique users that use a cryptocurrency wallet, most of them are using bitcoin.
Bitcoin Price Trend from July 2013 – Oct 2017 (from
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts, applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.
These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middle man or counterparty risk.
The project was bootstrapped via an ether pre-sale during August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss nonprofit, with contributions from great minds across the globe.
Ethereum Price Trend From Oct 2015 – Oct 2017 ( from )
Smart contract
Smart Contracts are deterministic exchange mechanisms controlled by digital means that can carry out the direct transaction of value between untrusted agents. They can be used to facilitate, verify, and enforce the negotiation or performance of economically-laden procedural instructions and potentially circumvent censorship, collusion, and counterparty risk.
In Ethereum, smart contracts are treated as autonomous scripts or stateful decentralized applications that are stored in the Ethereum blockchain for later execution by the EVM. Instructions embedded in Ethereum contracts are paid for in ether (or more technically “gas”) and can be implemented in a variety of Turing complete scripting languages.
Smart Contract can be used to create Token or Coin under Ethereum Blockchain, and also to create DAPP (Decentralized Application)
About Bali Coin
Coin Name: Bali Coin
Coin Ticker: Bali
Algorithm: Ethash (POW)
Supply: 70.000.000
Exchanger: Etherdelta & Forkdelta
Block Explorer:
BALI Coin is a Travel Discount Voucher created in the form of cryptocurrency to be used in the tourism industry, for example for hotel bookings, airplane and train ticket reservations, car rentals and other tourism facilities. BALI coin is an open source cryptocurrency, using advanced Ethereum blockchain technology.
With BALI Coin your money will be stored in your personal wallet, strictly confidential and absolutely private. In doing the transaction, money from the sending account will be transferred directly to the recipient, not through any intermediaries.
Bali Coin is based on Ethereum ERC20 platform coin, which has the potential to become the biggest smart contract system in the world for travel and tourism market.
Team BALI Coin confidently innovate this capacity through the enabled Bali Coin ecosystem.
The travel and tourism industry is among the world’s biggest industries. In 2016, it had a global economic contribution (induced, direct, and indirect) of more than $7.6 trillion. The direct economic impact of this industry, including in entertainment, attractions, accommodation, and transportation, was approximately $2.3 trillion.
The travel industry is the second-fastest rising sector internationally. The industry is massive. According to research from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), this sector employs more people than mining, automotive manufacturing, and financial services sectors combined globally.
According to the general perception of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in the future, tourism continues to grow on a global scale. The number of international visitors is forecasted to reach 1.8 billion by 2030.
The development of information technology has changed the way people interact, including in tourism information sharing, especially the impact of social networking and internet applications, and the increasingly popular mobile phones.
Experiences from countries which has experienced development in tourism industry show that when internet users are increasing, advertising using online payment tools is a way that can not be ignored by the tourism industry.
Our first project plan for tour and travel destination is on Bali, Indonesia, because some of our team members had experiences and network in Bali.
Below is the number of tourist who went to Bali from around the world from 2015 to August 2017.
No | Nationality | Total 2015 | Total 2016 | August 2017 |
1 | Asia Pacific | 2.426.882 | 3.037.108 | 2.503.989 |
2 | ASEAN | 420.173 | 420.687 | 290.360 |
3 | AFRICA | 21.378 | 29.120 | 26.342 |
4 | AMERICA | 213.643 | 269.027 | 230.738 |
5 | EUROPE | 845.949 | 1.076.947 | 860.573 |
6 | MIDDLE EAST | 30.644 | 48.824 | 43.685 |
7 | OTHERS | 43.263 | 46.224 | 42.604 |
Total | 4.001.835 | 4.927.937 | 3.998.291 |
*source : Bali Province Tourism Department
The number of foreign direct arrival from 2015 until 2017 are increase 22.55% beside the local tourist
BALI Coin Features & Ecosystem
- Secure: BALI Coin Payment is backed up by Ethereum Blockchain the security, reliability and fast transactions of which are already proven.
- Lowest Fees: BALI Coin Payment will offer significantly lower fee than any other major online payment system.
- User-Friendly: All transaction with BALI coin can be easily done by using BALI coin wallet application on any smartphones.
- Reservations: BALI Coin can be used to order flight tickets, book hotels, hire car or other accommodations with special discount.
- Online transportation: BALI Coin will offer solutions for online transportation, such as UBER, Go-Jek, GRAB and other local transportation services.
- Merchant Discount: BALI coin user can get a special discount from many merchants that accept BALI coin payment.
BALI Coin Value
Everything is made easier for the travelers or even businesses associated with the tourism sector. One of the problems is currency conversion dilemma. By offering cryptocurrency, BALI Coin will ensure that travelers can avoid the currency conversion charges. Another benefit is that travelers do not have to carry a lot of cash which will be needless, which is extremely convenient for travelers who are traveling in foreign countries. BALI Coin also makes traveling easier by helping travelers to avoid bank fees associated with withdrawing money from an ATM or even utilizing credit cards in foreign countries platform. More demand for BALI Coin ecosystem will raise the value of the coin itself.
BALI Coin Development
In the next project plan, BALI Coin will build custom mobile applications and websites with the involvement of travel agencies and sites around the world.
BALI Coin will become the main source of currency used in future travel and tourism industries. We all want to avoid the ever-rising cost of traveling. In order to make our traveling more convenient, BALI Coin is committed to making your vacation and traveling easy and hassle-free.
Areas of Integration & Ecosystem
From the ICO proceeds, BALI coin will invest significantly in Ecosystem, end-user compatibility, and liquidity. We have identified some strategic partners to participate in BALI Coin’s ecosystem through technical integration points controlled via BALI Coin Network. The dot-com era has seen a number of startups grow into massive online travel agencies, disrupting traditional travel outlets and creating more convenience and flexibility for users.
How It Works
Users can buy BALI Coin balance directly from cryptocurrency exchanger or our Internal Exchanger
Merchants that receive BALI Coin can sell their balance directly to exchangers and receive Bitcoin/Ethereum or FIAT currency.
Every transaction is processed through Ethereum Blockchain Network.
- Research on Tourism Industry & Online Payment which includes flight tickets, hotel bookings, accommodations and other tourism facilities.
- Development of website & Android app and partnership with as the Payment gateway and booking agent.
- Building location-based merchants for android and submission to Play Store.
- Partnership with merchants (hotel, restaurant, cafe, salon, convenience store, fitness center, spa, and many more).
- Users can browse through hundreds of merchants around their locations to get the best deals.
- Research on Cryptocurrency & Blockchain for the alternative payment system.
- Investment & trading on Cryptocurrency, based on Bitcoin, Ethereum and other platforms on Exchanger ( Poloniex, Tidex, Kraken, Hitbtc, nova exchange and other).
- Building applications using Blockchain API from and
- Building Ethereum Smart Contract, web development of
- Create Social Media Channel.
- Promotion and deal with new merchants to create tour packages.
- Gathering the initial team and early investors through Social Media & Google Advertising
ICO SCHEDULE 1 ( Q4 2017 )
- Preparation for pre-ICO of Bali Coin and launching of pre-ICO (online & offline) November 15 to 30, 2017.
- ICO Bali Coin from December 1 to 30, 2017, and Blockchain audit for 1 month (January 1 to 30, 2018).
ICO SCHEDULE 2 ( Q1 2018 )
- Coin transfer to Investor ERC20 wallet (January 2018)
- Integration of Bali Coin as a discount tool on Travel Kita website & Integration of Bali Coin as a discount tool at Merchants listed on Info Sekitar Application.
- Partnership with major online booking site,,, and many more.
- Partnership with banks for card payment using e-money.
- Listing on major exchangers such as Poloniex, Kraken, Livecoin, HitBTC, Tidex, and Others in February 2018.
- Submit to Coin Market Cap.
- Development of Mobile App Wallet for users and merchants.
- Development of an internal exchanger
- Future development of Bali Coin
- Legal procedures
BALI Coin will start the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) on December 1st, 2017. We will begin with the pre-sale of BALI Coin for the initial investor on November 15th, 2017, the pre-sale target is 2.000.000 BALI, which is equal to 2.000 ETH.
Pre-ICO (Nov 15th – Nov 30th, 2017 )
Pre-ICO Rewards Bonus
Tour Package is for 2 Pax, Detail will be informed on this link
Public ICO Schedule
*Minimum purchase 100 BALI Coin
BALI Coin Supply
Total Supply : 70.000.000 BALI
Blockchain : Ethereum
Blockchain Address :
Algorithm : Proof Of Work (POW) Ethash
Abbreviation : BALI
Decimal : 18
Coin Type : Utility Coin
Pre-ICO : 2.000.000 BALI
Bonus Pre-ICO : 1.000.000 BALI
Public ICO : 33.000.000 BALI
The number of issued coins is limited to 70.000.000 BALI coins
3 Million BALI Coins are reserved for initial adopters in pre-ICO and Bonuses (2.000.000 BALI For Pre ICO, and Bonus Allocation 1.000.000 BALI )
33 Million BALI Coins will be available for crowd-sale ICO.
1 Million BALI Coins will be available for bounty rewards program
26 Million BALI Coins will remain in BALI NETWORK Foundation until the official exchange is launched, the coins will be used to form a stable market and for further development.
7 Million BALI Coins will be distributed among team members **
* BALI Coin ICO is not Available for USA & Hong Kong Resident
** Coin distributed among team members are vested for 6 Month after ICO Finished
Post ICO & Budget Allocation
After ICO is completed, we will conduct internal audit and preparation to send coins to intial investor and ICO participants.
Budget allocation:
For System Development & IT : 35%
For Marketing & Operations : 20%
Business Development & Partnership : 15%
Reserved for BALI Coin Foundation : 30%